Why cook now?

      Some girls grow up never cooking at all.  Their mom always cooks every meal of the day.  They think, "Why should I waste my time learning to cook now?  What's the use?"  Well one day Prince Charming comes along and sweeps her off her feet.  They fall in love and get married.  Then it strikes the girl women... she doesn't know how to cook!  She doesn't know how to feed her husband and herself because she has never taken the time to learn. 
      Ok, so I know that is a very fairy tail, dramatic, cheesy little example.  But there is some truth to it.  I know mom's who have tell me that it's good that I'm learning to cook now because they didn't take the time to learn as young ladies, so they had to learn when they were already married.  I want to be able to one day take care of my prince charming and now is a great time to learn!  :)